Black Point Wildlife Drive Trip Report – Mar 6, 2022
We had 20 birders that saw 50 species at Parrish Park, and hundreds of egrets, herons, pelicans, and other birds on 402…
We had 20 birders that saw 50 species at Parrish Park, and hundreds of egrets, herons, pelicans, and other birds on 402…
16 birders braved the cool temps and enjoyed seeing 55 species:
A big thanks to Gregg Stoll for showing us the beauty of this area and providing some of the history also. We…
We had 9 birders that saw 26 species at Maritime Hammock and 11 species at Lori Wilson Park. The boardwalk that has…
Please use the following wishlist for the Florida Wildlife Hospital if you choose to bring supply items to the December Meeting. Thank…
There were 21 participants who saw 16 species of birds. All were pleased to see several FL Scrub Jays. The jays were…
We had 16 birders join us on a very windy day which kept many of the birds down. We still saw 45…
We had 8 birders brave the weather and a few of us got wet during a rainfall at the end of our…
We had a great outing for October Big Day. I personally had 84 species because I also went to Sebastian Inlet and…
My conservation commitments go beyond just birding. I am the Treasurer for Hundred Acre Hollows, Inc. in Suntree/Viera, FL area, whose mission…
We had 13 birders that saw as many as 21 species. The species list is below.
We had 14 birders see 36 Species today at Viera Wetlands. Highlights were Black-crowned Night-Heron, Least Bittern, Swallow-tailed Kite, and a mixed…