Here is the list from the Big Day
Blue-winged Teal |
Northern Bobwhite |
Rock Pigeon |
Common Ground-Dove |
Mourning Dove |
Common Gallinule |
American Coot |
Black-necked Stilt |
Black-bellied Plover |
Semipalmated Plover |
Killdeer |
Ruddy Turnstone |
Sanderling |
Short-billed/Long-billed Dowitcher |
Greater Yellowlegs |
Willet |
Laughing Gull |
Royal Tern |
Anhinga |
Double-crested Cormorant |
American White Pelican |
Brown Pelican |
Great Blue Heron |
Great Egret |
Snowy Egret |
Little Blue Heron |
Tricolored Heron |
Reddish Egret |
Green Heron |
White Ibis |
Roseate Spoonbill |
Black Vulture |
Turkey Vulture |
Osprey |
Northern Harrier |
Bald Eagle |
Red-shouldered Hawk |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Downy Woodpecker |
falcon sp |
Great Crested Flycatcher |
White-eyed Vireo |
Blue Jay |
Florida Scrub-Jay |
Fish Crow |
Tufted Titmouse |
Carolina Wren |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher |
Gray Catbird |
Northern Mockingbird |
European Starling |
Red-winged Blackbird |
Boat-tailed Grackle |
American Redstart |
Northern Parula |
Blackpoll Warbler |
Northern Cardinal |
List courtesy of Bert Alm