A tiny bit of rain helped to put down a few warblers at Lori Wilson this morning. Migrating species and numbers have definitely been on the decline this year in our part of the state, so a number of birders were pleased to see around 80-100 birds in the Hammock this morning.  Activity seemed to decrease by late morning and we could not, after several rounds of boardwalk,  find warbler specie # 10. Greatest numbers seemed to be:  American Redstart, Black and White, Blackpoll, and Black-throated Blue. Male and female of each of those species appeared and several first year male American Redstarts. There were several Northern Parula, and single Cape May, Common Yellowthroat, Prairie and Ovenbird.

Tom spotted a Yellow-billed Cuckoo.  There was no sign of the Black-whiskered Vireo which was seen for 11 days; I don’t think anyone spotted it after Saturday. This bird is a fairly regular visitor to the Hammock and I’ve seen it every couple of years since 2004. There were two birds in 2014, while in 2013 one stayed for 13 days.

Phyllis Mansfield

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