I stopped at Lori Wilson at 11:30 and am always amazed that with hundreds of cars in parking and hundreds of people on beach, the Hammock was mostly devoted to birders. There were 9 species of warblers seen today with many Cape May, Black and White, Black-throated Blue, American Redstart, and Blackpoll. A few Ovenbird were seen and Claire spotted the Worm-eating for me on way out.  The BLACK-WHISKERED VIREO  came in to the big Gumbo-limbo (west side of Hammock) at 1 pm for me, and seen afterwards by a few birders. ( If I needed it for a lifer I’d take a chair and sit looking at the Gumbo)! The most unusual bird in the Hammock today was a male BOBOLINK, spotted by Ted, up high in an oak tree!

Phyllis Mansfield

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