We had a great time at Viera Wetlands and saw quite a few interesting birds as well as a lot of gators and a marsh rabbit.
Wayne Archard led one group and Bert Alm led the other group. We saw the following birds (a W after the bird means only Wayne’s group saw the bird, a B means only Bert’s group saw the bird. No indication then both groups saw the bird). We saw a total of 47 Species.
- Pied-billed Grebe
- Common Gallinule
- American Coot
- Sandhill Crane
- Lesser Yellowlegs – B
- Forster’s Tern – B
- Anhinga
- Double-crested Cormorant
- American Bittern
- Great Blue Heron
- Great Egret
- Snowy Egret
- Little Blue Heron
- Tricolored Heron
- Cattle Egret
- Green Heron
- Black-crowned Night-Heron
- White Ibis
- Glossy Ibis
- Roseate Spoonbill
- Black Vulture
- Turkey Vulture
- Osprey
- Bald Eagle – B
- Red-shouldered Hawk
- Barred Owl – B
- Belted Kingfisher
- Red-bellied Woodpecker – B
- Merlin – B
- Eastern Phoebe
- Loggerhead Shrike
- Tree swallow
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher – B
- Marsh Wren – B
- Brown Thrasher – B
- Northern Mockingbird
- Savannah Sparrow
- Red-winged Blackbird
- Common Grackle
- Boat-tailed Grackle
- Palm Warbler
- Northern Cardinal
- Limpkin – W
- Killdeer – W
- Common Yellowthroat – W
- Northern Harrier – W