Finally the weather pattern was in our favor at Lori Wilson in Cocoa Beach! Rain yesterday dropped in quite a few warblers, and north wind may keep then in another day. Fun birding today with Kitty, Rachel and Nate.
Also saw a BLUE GROSBEAK in the Hammock.
Worm-eating-2 or 3
Black-and White-, 6-m.f
Common Yellowthroat-1 m
American Redstart-2 m
Cape May-at least 8 m,f-mostly male
Northern Parula-2 m, f
Blackburnian-1 m, thanks to Nate
Blackpoll-1 m
Black-throated Blue—2 m
Prairie-12-m, f, mostly male
Yellow-breasted Chat-1 m-continuing from a few days this week. Lifer for Rachel and Nate!
Phyllis Mansfield,
Cocoa Beach, FL
Every Day a New Adventure