Despite the threatening weather, 15 birders came for the Turkey Creek Field Trip and all birded well into the morning and some stayed until after 12! Unfortunately, it was a slow morning, perhaps because of the unusual winds, although it did pick up some after 10:30. The list of sightings is a collective list, although all who stayed the longest saw the majority of these birds. The birds were very scattered and not in large flocks and generally did not forage long in any spot:
Warblers seen:
2. PARULA (3, more heard)
5. PRAIRIE (1)
6. CAPE MAY (2)
7. HOODED (1)
Three Vireo species were seen -Blue-headed, Yellow-throated and Red-eyed. Swallow-tailed Kites were seen late, once in the parking lot as we were leaving. Also seen were a Carolina Wren, Cardinals, Catbirds, several Purple Martins, Red-shouldered Hawk, White Ibis and Little-Blue Heron in the air, Black Vulture, Mourning Dove, Blue Jay and a Wood Duck.
A nice surprise as we were leaving were two male Indigo Buntings adjacent to the parking lot. The length of the walk and time spent, especially because much was seen late, made this only an o.k. day – perhaps better if started later. But, the participants were intrepid and it was a pleasant morning.
Bill Haddad
Palm Bay, Fl.